Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Lately Levi insists on vacuuming when it is time to clean. He does a really good job. I just hope that the excitement will last a while ;)

And the shoes. Oh the shoes. Need I say more.

Growing up way too fast

Levi turns 3 this next month and Olivia has already turned 1.

Miss Olivia is in to everything. Her most fascinated locations in the house are the toilets and garbage cans. Some of her activities are, cruising the furniture, crawling at extreme speeds, and playing patty cake while standing unassisted. It is so cute to see/hear her crawl. She slaps her right hand harder on the ground as she crawls. Her other way of getting around is being dragged by her brother.
Levi is becoming such a big brother. Besides dragging around Olivia he gets her to laugh so hard she gags. He also roughs her up a bit. Last night he was telling me how he pushed Olivia over and she fell and got an owie and that dad put him in time out. Then he tells me that he shouldn't have gone to time out cuz he had an owie too. He loves driving G-pa Chard's red truck in the field and talks about it every night before going to bed.

Spending time with family

Jamie + Mom and Dads+ Lots of snow= Snowmobiling. And sure was it a ton of fun.

Jamie came down to visit for her birthday. My sister TeArie , B-in-L Josh and nephew Daxton came down to visit as well. The kids were a riot and the chatting was great. The kids made Valentine cookies for their dads, at least the other dads got their cookies. Levi couldn't part with this one.

I know I know!!!

Swimming Lessons

As you can see Levi progressed from anticipation, complete panic, leading to unsure, and finally full excitement. Levi loves to swim. After each lesson the instructors had to remove Levi from the water because he would not come out willingly. We have signed him up for swimming lessons again in May, I only hope that they are just as successful.