Monday, December 15, 2008

First Official Snow Fall!

It's about time....Offically the first real snow fall of the
season came the other day. So I decided to dress
Levi up warm and head out for some play time.
It was so cute, all he would do was shuffle through the snow.
At one point he touched it and started crying. He didn't realize
that it was cold.

The next thing I know he is in the street and running as fast as
he can go straight to Grandma Cheney's house
I tried diverting him but it was no use, so off
we went.
Luckly she was home. Who knows what would
have happened if we came home empty
handed. (note Reeses peanut butter cup in his hand)
It is so funny he knows exactly who to go to and where
to get what he wants. :)